The great powers in Europe had already fought each other before the First World War. A relic of this period is Fort Vrmac at the coast of Montenegro.

The great powers in Europe had already fought each other before the First World War. A relic of this period is Fort Vrmac at the coast of Montenegro.
Since the 1960s the nuclear powers are aiming intercontinental missiles at each other. At the Titan Missile Museum in Arizona you can have a look at one of them.
Arizona is the second-driest US state. The winters are mild, the summers extremely hot. Best conditions for… aircraft graveyards and open-air museums!
The south is the most beautiful part of Albania. Between Vlorë, Berat and Sarandë there’s the sea, mountains, villages, national parks and beaches.
The power plant in Fier was the largest combined heat and power plant in all of Albania. Operations ceased more then ten years ago, and now it is rotting away.
Albania’s dictator Hoxha ordered the construction of 750,000 bunkers to protect the country. About 170,000 were built. Most are still in place and rotting away.
In the town of Krujë everything is about Albanian national hero Skanderbeg. Not just the museum, but even the mountains are named after him 🙂
Until almost 100 years ago Tirana only had a few thousand inhabitants, but under the Communist Regime it grew to half a million people.
Albania doesn’t make the list of the most popular travel destinations. But we had no problems finding enough to do for two weeks!